Get GroupHive

Four steps to Teams success

Good news! GroupHive is free of charge.
This means that there are no license fees, only hosting fees.
You have two options for hosting:

  • GroupHive as SaaS (recommended)
  • GroupHive as an app in your own Azure Cloud

GroupHive as Saas

Option 1 requires a very small setup effort.
To do this, please fill out the application form, which should include the following information:

  • The name of your company.
  • A valid contact email address.
  • Your Azure TenantId (How do I find the TenantId?)
  • Your desired logo
  • Your company color (from the CD) - optional

GroupHive in your own Azure Cloud

For option 2, detailed instructions will follow soon. However, if you are interested, feel free to contact us at any time.
Setting up in your own cloud is a bit more extensive and requires setting up a microservice architecture.
The responsibility for updates, backups, etc. is yours.


  • An App Service Plan
  • Some App services
  • An app registration